If you read my very first post, you know that after months and months of testing, I had an extreme...I am talking dangerous B12 deficiency requiring 2-3x weekly injections for 6 months and then tapering off to 1x a week for another 6 months. I was also told that I needed to start eating meat...my naturopath even suggested some buffalo...the thought alone made me want to gag. As a vegan for more than a decade, the thought of meat in my diet made me cringe...so I started with eggs.
I then started researching the Paleo Diet and starting trying out the recipes. I was cooking chicken, using coconut oil, even baking bacon (which vegan or otherwise, it smells good even if it doesn't taste great to me), making Paleo bars, etc...and I tell you, it takes a lot of time. I did a 21-Day Sugar Detox to see if the conversion to being a meat eater would be easier. I tried weeks where I would ditch my morning smoothie (which, BTW was awesome back then, but seriously rocks the boat now...more on that soon).
I tried balancing out my meals with eggs or protein, healthy fats and lots of vegetables and some fruits. As a vegan, I was used to eat lot

Unfortunately for me that didn't happen. I was having serious digestive issues all the time (even after a year of taking digestive enzymes), I was finding that I was having sensitivities to foods that are big in the Paleo Diet. I was gaining weight...not of the lean muscle mass kind, but the kind where I couldn't fit into half the clothes in my closet - WTF, that is NO BUENO. I didn't feel better and I didn't think that I was performing better ~ runs were sluggish and I felt thirsty all the time. I decided to start toying with my diet again to see what changes might make me feel better.

I know that Paleo loving CrossFitters may not agree, but ultimately, I support and follow clean eating and finding a balance with good healthy food choices that help you feel and perform well every single day. For me, I have found that balance. So for now, I am going to be a quasi-vegan, running mom, CrossFitter, fitness instructor, enjoying a thick chocolate shake every day and eating omelets packed with spinach, salsa, olives, broccoli and lots of spicy seasonings...YUM YUM.
Hope you all can see that finding that balance for yourself is really important...listen to your body!
Enjoy the weekend folks.